After reading a few articles and watching YouTube videos, I decided to purchase a Dash Cam. I purchased this for two reasons; when conducting surveillance, this allows me to have an extra camera that I don’t need to necessarily handle. The other reason is for my personal life. Believe it or not, we live in a world of evidence. You never know when you will get in an accident, when you will be the victim of a hit and run crime, or when you drive through beautiful lands and want to share it with the world (one reason why I bought this). After reading multiple reviews and videos, I have decided to purchase the Garmin Dash Cam 35. The night time quality of this camera was just too good to pass; I have had a lot of experience with cameras and coming across one that gives quality night time footage for a decent price is hard to come by. I have also owned several Garmin products and have never been disappointed; the users of this camera seem to agree. This camera is extremely versatile. It provides time stamps and is GPS-enabled meaning that it gives the location, direction, and speed of the incident. Another friendly feature that I enjoy about this product is the LCD display which you can view right on the Dash Cam itself; it informs you of things like speed alerts, front end collision warning, and red light alerts. Overall, this Dash Cam is very user friendly and concealable.
I want my readers to understand the importance of being aware of their surroundings and protecting themselves. We live in a “sue-happy” world; a good lawyer and a lying a**hole could be the court case that takes away your possessions due to an accident that wasn’t even your fault. If you have a quality Dash Cam, and, of course, if the accident wasn’t your fault, guess what, that lying a**hole won’t get anything.
Thanks for reading,